NEECA 2025 Calendar of Events
All dates are subject to change due to weather or other things beyond our control. Please check with us about any event you are planning to attend. Cancellations and changes will be posted on the website and Facebook page by 6:30 a.m. the morning of the event​
Events with a * before them are sponsored by organizations other than NEECA
Deposits/Payments for clinics/events are non-refundable unless you/we can find someone to take your spot or event is cancelled
If you plan to ride at NEECA, or attend any event at NEECA, please click here to sign online waiver form, good for entire year
Click here for a full list of events, click on each event below for more detailed information on each event
More information on posted events, and additional events, will be added soon. At this point we just want to get the dates for each event out there so everyone can add them to their calendars for the upcoming season.